Landcrafters Florida: Learning Center

How to Determine the Right Level of Landscaping Services for Your Property

Written by Michael Tomaino | Apr 1, 2024 4:11:41 PM

Whether you’re strolling through Ybor or venturing over to Old Northeast in St. Pete, the sheer range of landscapes in the Tampa Bay area stands out. From pristine lawns to tropical gardens, there are varying levels of plant diversity, unique approaches to landscape design, and a myriad of factors that make each property different from the next.

As an HOA property manager or board member, determining what direction to go with the aesthetic of your landscaping is only a fraction of the formula. Every decision that affects the trajectory of your landscape carries with it a future demand for maintenance, repair, and upkeep, bringing to mind one question—how do you determine the right level of HOA landscape service for your property?

HOA Landscape Contracts – What Level of Care Do You Need?

The complexities of HOA properties can create a bit of a challenge when deciding on an HOA landscaper and the depth of involvement required to keep the landscape looking top-notch. To ensure you are not over or under-investing in HOA landscape service, there are a handful of key factors that board members and property managers should consider.

Maintain Perspective (HOA Landscaping Creates Value)

Investing in your landscaping is just that—an investment. Every HOA community has a budget to allocate and abide by, and finding a way to properly fund your landscape from inception to maintenance is essential. The cost can be daunting, especially if your property requires an overhaul or your goals are lofty, but the resources you put into an HOA landscape service aren’t spent needlessly.

Maintaining the right perspective about your HOA landscaping can shift your mindset from thinking of an HOA landscape contract as a necessary burden to considering it an opportunity to create value. Good landscaping improves curb appeal, boosts community morale, makes the property more appealing to prospective buyers, and more. When it comes time to make choices regarding landscaping services, keep this in mind and let it guide your decision-making process.

Address the Specific Needs of Your HOA Community

With your perspective in the right place, you can begin to evaluate the specific needs of your community and develop a plan for addressing them. No two properties are the same, and the HOA landscape services yours require will differ from the next, even if it’s right down the road. When it comes to determining the right level of service for your property, this is one of the primary phases to emphasize before committing to an HOA landscaper or contract.

To accurately identify what the specific needs of your property are, you have to be intimately familiar with the land and a landscaping expert. As an HOA property manager or board member, that probably does not describe you, so there are a few things you can do to ensure you are doing your due diligence.

First, be plugged into the community. If you are ingrained in the community, you will become familiar with its needs, shortcomings, and areas of excellence. Second, lend your ear to the residents of the community. People who actively live in the community, interact with the infrastructure, and spend their time immersed in the landscape are certainly qualified to provide valid feedback, share ideas, and point out specific needs. Lastly, consider getting a professional Tampa Bay HOA landscaper involved. They can walk the property, highlight areas of concern, discuss possibilities, and otherwise put their expertise to use.

Choose Your HOA Landscaper Wisely and Build a Relationship

Who you decide to partner with will have a profound impact on your HOA property. While there’s always room for adjustment, selecting an HOA landscape service that isn’t a good fit for your community can set your property back and leave you with more challenges to address and overcome.

In other words, it’s best to get it right the first time. This is often easier said than done, and there’s no doubt that an entire textbook could be dedicated to the process of choosing an HOA landscaper that is perfect for your property. Still, you can make an educated decision based on the following factors, as well as any other specifics unique to your community.

  • An HOA landscaper should fit your budget and needs. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is, but that doesn’t mean that the most expensive option is the best. Finding a balance between cost-effectiveness and quality is ideal, and the following considerations should help inform that decision.
  • Be sure to research the professional landscape company in question ahead of time. Check online reviews, ask for references, and strive to determine the trustworthiness, reputation, and reliability of a potential partner before committing to them.
  • Make sure the interest is mutual between your community and the HOA landscape services you are considering. Even if a company seems like a good fit, it may not have the time or willingness to prioritize your property in the way it deserves. Ensuring that the relationship is just that—a relationship—is essential.
  • Does the landscaper in question offer the services your property requires? Are they familiar with local plant life, irrigation guidelines, and culture? These questions may be basic, but they can determine whether an HOA landscaper is a good fit for you or not.

Ideally, your landscaper will become more than a paid interaction; it will grow into a relationship. This consistency will translate into trust, healthy communication, and an understanding of the expectations, the land, and the community itself.

Find the Right HOA Landscape Contract for Your Property

Once you’ve determined the level of service that is right for your property and found an HOA landscaper you think is a good fit for your community, it’s time to shift your focus to crafting a contract that works for all parties. When it comes to your interests, you’ll want to make sure that the contract includes provisions that give your outdoor spaces the level of attention and care that they deserve.

A standard HOA landscape contract will include things like the following.

  • The services the landscaping company is expected to provide.
  • The responsibilities of the landscape provider and the HOA.
  • The scope of work that has been agreed upon.
  • Clear terms of payment.
  • The length of the partnership is outlined by the contract.

While these and other terms are imperative, a bit of flexibility is also important. Seasons change, unexpected repairs pop up, disputes rear their ugly heads, liability insurance comes into play, and more. When in doubt, consult with a professional to ensure your HOA landscape contract is detailed enough and contains everything required to protect your interests.

Work with Local Tampa Bay Landscapers

Landscapers in Tampa Bay are familiar with the area and the needs of the properties in it. They have hands-on experience and expertise, making them uniquely qualified to care for your HOA community.

With over 20 years of experience in the Tampa Bay area, Landcrafters has forged a sterling reputation for excellence. Are you looking for a quality team to provide you with perfect-fit landscaping services? 

Our team is here to help. Give us a call or fill out our consultation form to get started.