Michael Tomaino
Mulch ado about nothing? Yeah, right. Mulch is actually a big deal—so you should make a fuss over this.
When it comes to landscaping your property properly, mulch can be a huge boon to any design you have in mind—especially when it comes to the maintenance plans.
Mulch is a must when it comes to creating tidy looking landscapes with healthy soil in mind, but of course, the look and function you’re going for will determine the type of mulch you integrate into your landscape plans. In other words, your perfect mulch is out there, you just need to know what problems you’re trying to solve.
If this mulch conversation sounds right up your alley, we’re so glad you found this article—here, we’ll dive into the mulch basics, give you some helpful resources, and even share some of our favorite Florida-friendly mulch types that could be the perfect fit for your landscape.
We probably don’t need to do a deep dive into what mulch is—it’s likely you’ve seen mulch, smelled mulch, and even laid mulch on your own before. That being said, we’ll hit you with a basic definition before we move on.
Mulch is any material that’s spread or laid over the soil as a covering. It’s used to retain moisture in the soil, keep soil at an ideal temperature, make a garden bed (or landscape overall) look more attractive, and of course, suppress weeds. There’s a ton of different types of mulch out there, but for the sake of this article, we’re talking about good old fashioned, natural mulches that come from plants, wood, pine, and more.
So, what’s the benefit of mulch? We’re very (very) glad you asked.
Looking to learn more about mulch? Keep reading this post.
PROP TIP: If you’re looking for some additional mulch knowledge, check out a few of our other mulch-specific posts right here to learn more!
Up to speed? Good! Now it’s time to get mulch specific—that’s right, we’re talkin’ types. Read on for our fave types of Florida-friendly mulch guaranteed to spruce up any landscape.
This affordable and beautiful mulch option is made from shredded cypress trees. An organic mulch, it’s shredded and ground up into chips to make spreading it easier than ever. Cypress mulch is typically reddish-gold in color and can add a pop of both color and texture to your yard. Cypress mulch is super easy to use and is very DIY friendly.
Just as it sounds, red mulch is, well, red. This option is for folk who are looking for a little extra drama and flair to their landscape. Red mulch does come from shredded our ground-up wood, so it’s an organic mulch for sure, but know that red dye (mostly from iron oxide) is used to create this vibrant color. That being said, it’s important to realize that iron oxide has been deemed safe for use around pets and people.
Pine bark is an easy type of mulch to use in your landscape. Not only is it long-lasting, natural, and attractive, it can actually help to enrich your soil as it breaks down. That being said, pine bark tends to be more buoyant than other types of mulch, so it’s vital to not integrate this type of mulch in areas that flood often.
Sounds delicious, doesn’t it? Good news—it looks delicious, too. Brown mulch is, just like most other organic mulches, made from shredded or ground-up wood. The rich, chocolate, cocoa color is the real draw to this mulch and luckily, it fits in with most every type of landscape. A long-lasting mulch, chocolate mulch will help to keep soil healthy and prevent excess weeds from sprouting.
Often used interchangeably with cypress mulch, eucalyptus mulch is a blend of finely shredded wood chips that bond together and help to hold moisture. While it’s thought that mulch made from eucalyptus keeps bugs, pests, and insects away, it’s not yet definitively proven. Still, it’s worth a shot, right? Especially when it’s so attractive!
Otherwise known as melaleuca mulch, Florimulch is an environmentally prudent alternative to things like cypress and red mulch. Melaleuca mulch comes from the melaleuca tree, which is an invasive species here in Florida and is considered a pest in the everglades. By using this type of mulch, you contribute to the elimination of this retched pest. It helps that it looks pretty dang good, too.
Pine straw mulch is essentially just a ton of filler that’s been created by breaking up pine needles rather than wood chips. Plain and simple, pine straw can look really beautiful, but it can be a tough type of mulch to maintain on your own. Even so, pine needles are low maintenance, can improve your soil, provide an earthy loo, and they’re super environmentally friendly. (It doesn’t hurt that they’re affordable, either).
Again, this one is pretty self-explanatory. Rubber mulch is made from rubber. The best part about this mulch? It’s non-porous so it won’t absorb water on the way through the soil—that means more water for your thirsty soil and roots. It also is a great option if you need to reduce fungus growth and create an additional weed barrier.Ready to get your mulch on? Yeah, we thought so. And guess what? We’re thrilled to help! When it comes to mulch, you won’t find better Florida experts that Landcrafters—from recommendations to price quotes to design to maintenance, we can ensure your mulch is in tip-top shape every step of the way. From start to finish (and even past that), we’re there to ensure that your mulch needs are met always—and then some!
So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to us at (727)-201-3947 or contact us directly through our website here!
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Head Gardener for Landcrafters, Inc. Michael Tomaino, a cornerstone of Landcrafters since its inception, oversees all aspects of business operations with a wealth of experience. With years of adept team management and leadership under his belt, coupled with a robust educational background, both within and beyond the industry, Michael is dedicated to steering Landcrafters towards becoming the foremost landscape management provider in the Tampa Bay Area.