
Should You Invest in an Irrigation System in Tampa Bay?

Tom McCoy Tom McCoy

Should You Invest in an Irrigation System in Tampa Bay?

So, you want your lawn and landscape to be the pinnacle of Tampa greenery. You want a deep, rich hue to your grass and a shocking lushness to your foliage. As landscape lovers, we understand. There’s just something satisfying about a thriving, well-maintained landscape that warms the heart and attracts the eye.

The question is, then, how do you achieve such a landscape in a climate like Florida’s?

We’re glad you asked! With over twenty years of experience bringing life to Florida landscapes, we have accumulated a bit of knowledge that can elevate your property to new heights. One of the primary debates we’ve encountered throughout the years revolves around irrigation systems, whether they are worth the investment, and if other options are just as effective.

Read on to hear our thoughts on the topic!

Time is Money

Irrigation systems cost money to install, operate, and maintain. The costs associated with these systems can discourage you from viewing the investment as worthwhile. However, when you consider the time savings that irrigation systems offer, the cost-benefit analysis shifts entirely!

By automating your watering—including smart watering that saturates the areas in need—irrigation systems allow you to dedicate your valuable time to other things. Whether that’s accomplishing an extra task for your small business or enjoying an extra hour of family time, the benefits far outweigh the costs of owning and operating an irrigation system for most people!

Water is Money, Too

Thanks to significant advances in technology, irrigation systems can be programmed to provide the perfect amount of water to specific areas of your property. They can even assess a variety of factors, allowing them to adapt to changing conditions. This means that opting for an automated system can save you quite a bit of water in the long run, reducing waste and your monthly utility bill.

Another factor to consider when it comes to water costs is the availability of alternative water sources in your area. For example, reclaimed water—if available—is often very affordable but may present other challenges, such as transportation.

Climate Matters

Some regions may receive enough rainfall to reduce or eliminate the need for frequent watering. Even these areas tend to go through cycles, however, making irrigation beneficial during the non-rainy seasons.

Other regions may receive very little and/or inconsistent rainfall, making them prime candidates for irrigation.

The Impact of Landscape

The size of your property will have an obvious impact on the installation, operation, and maintenance costs associated with an irrigation system. There are a number of other landscape-related factors that can also affect an irrigation system, and they should not be overlooked.

The type of plants and their unique demands for water, the placement of irrigation heads to uniformly distribute water while watering roots (not leaves), and the layout of the pipes to not interfere with roots or other obstacles are all examples of important considerations.

Know Your Options

Not all irrigation systems are created equal. Traditional clock-regulated systems, while often viewed as outdated, may work for certain people if they are managed properly. On the other hand, modern technology has revolutionized irrigation by using smart controllers, moisture and weather sensors, and more. Best of all, these smart systems are affordable and will save you money.


You’ve heard the adage “the grass is always greener on the other side,” and we’re here to suggest that they may have an irrigation system! If you’re looking for the most convenient way to secure the landscape of your dreams, a smart irrigation system is one of the best steps you can take.

Investing in smart irrigation may even save you money in the long run, giving you the benefit of cost savings, time savings, and a beautiful lawn.

For more information on the irrigation systems currently available or to discuss the prospect of installing a new system on your unique property, we encourage you to give us a call at 727-201-3947 or reach out via our website. Our experienced landscaping professionals will be happy to guide you through the possibilities and develop the best solution for your personal needs.

Landcrafters is also happy to offer landscaping tips, tricks, and knowledge for free! All you have to do is visit our regularly-updated blog to expand your landscaping horizons!

Tom McCoy

Tom McCoy